
800 years Cambridge University

I have the luck to be in Cambridge when the university celebrates its 800th anniversary. Yesterday the official celebration started with ringing bells and a projection of the university's history on two university building. That was really spectacular. I took some pictures, but they don't convey the special atmosphere...

After that we went to a concert at King's chapel. The Cambridge University Music Society orchestra and the combined college choirs of Queens', Magdalene, Selwyn, Sidney Sussex and Trinity performed Missa Solemnis of which Beethoven thought it was the greates work he had ever composed. Indeed a very cultural day, that should be repeated in the near future.

In terms of sport I enden up in the third boat. A little bit disappointing given my good test result. On the other hand it gives me some more time for other stuff, because we have only three outings a week instead of five. And maybe there will be a chnace to slip in a higher boat in Easter term.

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