

The espresso machine, which my girlfriend Nicole bought me is really helping me through my days. Thank you, Schnuffi! It kicks me off in the morning and keeps me awake during the night, when I do my pre-reading, course assignments or project work. We are now in full-load operation, i.e. that we have to homework for nearly every class, our Consulting Venture Project has started, the case for the A.T. Kearney Global Prize Competition was sent to us and I try to improve my rowing technique as I have made it into a novice crew of the Queens' boat club. We have outings twice a week which will hopefully prepare us well for the final Novice Fairbairn Cup on December 4, where we are competing against all other novice crews. In order to mentally support me I am reading the book The Last Amateurs - To Hell and Back with the Cambridge Boat Race Crew, a book about the 2007 race against Oxford (Cambridge won of course).

My exam in Business Statistics seems to be already ages ago. It went fairly well. I was able to work on every exercise in time so that I expect a mark well above the pass level (50%). Unfortunately this exam contributes to my final mark only with approximately one percent. We will see...
It's time for my next espresso and then for my accounting homework and I still have to buy a pumpkin for the Halloween weekend when Nicole visits me and she loves that knickknack.

1 comment:

Muhammed Carim said...

I am very very very disappointed. No updates for Months !!!!