
Black Holes in Cambridge

Just a quick note...this morning I got a first impression of Cambridge being a truly extraordinary place. On my way to Starbucks I had to avoid an electrical wheelchair, which was driven by him...the author of A brief history of time Stephen Hawking. I felt really strange to meet such an outstanding intellectual personality face-to-face in everyday life. I'm curious about who I will meet next...


Arrived in Cambridge

Yesterday, I finally arrived in Cambridge after some airport confusion. Actually I thought I would fly to London Heathrow but surprisingly I landed at London City Airport. An airport I had never heard of before. Consequently my booked car wasn't available. Avis helped me out with a cheap car without navigation system. Here my problems began...fortunately I succeeded with trial and error at the end.

Today I made my first shopping tour, since some stuff I had expected to be existing in my college (which is Queens') was lacking: no crockery, no cutlery, no glasses, no hangers and so on. Next week I will go for a bicycle (which I really need, because my accomodation, is located more than a half mile away from the city) and a gown (I promise, you will see pictures). And of course I am waiting wishfully for the delivery of my brand new Nespresso machine, that Nicole bought for me :)

Until Monday I will be enjoying the lovely weather while walking through the city and discovering the surroundings. Unfortunately one of the few things I have forgotten at home is my camera. So you will have to wait some time for the first impressions. Next week my programme is starting officially with the orientation weeks and I will report on my doubtless exciting MBA experience.